We can try to analyze – also including a Quantum Physics/Biology perspective:
The nature of differences between Photosynthesis & Respiration & Solar cell devices functions shed new light on development of increased Solar cells photovoltaic effect?
… is very innovative, creative and speculative project idea, since it is a very interesting “side project idea” I have worked “around” – i.e. as a by-product by thinking on human mitochondria functionality in general and especially catalyzation functions maintenance, promotion and restoration, where its energy generation, storage and utilization is critical for health in general and life style related diseases especially. An exciting perspective that seems to shed new light on biopsychosocial medicine …
Can analyze – also including a Quantum Physics/Biology perspective – of differences between Photosynthesis & Respiration & Solar cell devices functions shed new light on development of increased Solar cells photovoltaic effect? will be elaborated more soon ..