EMF & Quantum behaviors …

Here I try to learn myself about possible different kind of influences between EMF and human Quantum behaviors.

First, just find “The use of a bed with an insulating system of electromagnetic fields improves immune function, redox and inflammatory states, and decrease the rate of aging” https://ehjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12940-020-00674-y?fbclid=IwAR059qHwY3BOsbFc1ZB0J6FxLIOAsxd14mnwK0UC3IQTt0uOEZv_PlMvQ0E which I will (first) now consider and also search for more similar … until now, I have assumed that a possible more general EMF problem is associated with varying variations between and within individual over time …

Then, I insert some links followed by discussions.

Effects of electromagnetic fields exposure on the antioxidant defense system https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6025786/
“Exposure to EMF is known to increase free radical concentrations and traceability and can affect the radical couple recombination. The purpose of this review was to highlight the impact of oxidative stress on antioxidant systems.”

Quantum Physics Perspective on Electromagnetic and Quantum Fields Inside the Brain https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7053547/
“Brain energy is associated commonly with electrochemical type of energy. This energy is displayed in the form of electromagnetic waves or better known as brainwaves. This concept is a classical concept (Newtonian) in which the studied object, that is the brain is viewed as a large anatomical object with its functional brainwaves. Another concept which incorporates quantum principles in it can also be used to study the brain. This perspective viewing the brain as purely waves, including its anatomical substrate. Thus, there are two types of energy or field exist in our brain: electromagnetic and quantum fields. Electromagnetic field is thought as dominant energy in purely motor and sensory inputs to our brain, whilst quantum field or energy is perceived as more influential in brain cognitions. The reason for this notion lies in its features which is diffused, non-deterministic, varied, complex and oneness.”

Classical versus Quantum Mechanical Interpretation of Absorptionhttps://www.climate-policy-watcher.org/atmospheric-radiation/classical-versus-quantummechanical-interpretation-of-absorption.html
Last Updated on Tue, 11 Aug 2020 | Atmospheric Radiation

According to classical mechanics, the mechanics of Newton, a mechanical system can have a continuous set of energies (kinetic plus potential). This seems so self-evidently true that it is rarely stated explicitly and even more rarely questioned. But in reality, energy is like dollar bills: you can have one bill in your wallet or two or three, but never 1.523. Dollar bills are quantized. And so is energy, but this is not evident until we consider mechanical systems on a scale not directly accessible to our senses. We do not live at this microscopic (or atomic) scale, so we have no right to expect that the physics of ordinary macroscopic objects is valid there. This is much like moving from one country to another. In one society, certain rules of behavior and customs are taken for granted. But when you enter a different society, you sometimes discover that many of the familiar rules no longer apply. In India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, people eat with their fingers. To do otherwise would seem unnatural to the inhabitants of these countries. But in Western countries, eating with your fingers is considered to be extremely impolite. Children who do this are told in no uncertain terms to desist.

The differences between the rules of behavior of macroscopic and microscopic objects are considerably greater than the differences between those of the inhabitants of New York penthouses and the inhabitants of huts in the Amazon jungle.

If the laws of quantum mechanics must be taken on faith, consider that so must the laws of classical mechanics. Why F = ma? You learn this first as an axiom, and so what follows it may seem strange. But if you had learned quantum mechanics first, F = ma might seem strange. Whatever you learn first sets the standard for what is normal.

Consider first a harmonic oscillator with natural frequency w0. According to classical mechanics this oscillator can have a continuous range of energies depending on its initial amplitude. But according to quantum mechanics the energies of this harmonic oscillator are quantized, having only the discrete set of energies where n = 0,1,2,… . This result seems to contradict common sense, but it really doesn’t because common sense is based on our experience with macroscopic objects. The difference in energy between physically realizable (allowed) adjacent energy states of the harmonic oscillator is

The oscillators we encounter at the macroscopic level might have natural frequencies as high as 100 Hz. This corresponds to an energy difference of 6.63 x 10~32 J. To get a feeling for how much energy this is, consider how much energy the eyebrow of a flea has when it falls from a flea on the back of a dog. A flea, which can be seen without a microscope, has dimensions of a millimeter or so, and hence the total volume of the flea is of order 10~9 m3. The characteristic linear dimension of a flea’s eyebrow is at least 100 times smaller than the overall dimensions of the flea. Thus the volume of the flea’s eyebrow is of order 10-15 m3. We estimate the density of flea flesh to be that of water, 1000 kgm-3, which gives a mass of 10-12 kg for the flea’s eyebrow. Suppose that the flea resides on the back of a Great Dane, about 1 m high at the shoulders. The potential energy of the flea’s eyebrow, relative to that at the ground, is about 10-11 J. As small as this potential energy is, it is still 1021 times greater than the difference between adjacent energy levels of a harmonic oscillator with natural frequency 100 Hz. Although the energies of macroscopic oscillators are quantized in principle, the spacing of energy levels, as they are called, is so small macroscopically that in practice the levels are continuous. We are forced to come to grips with the discreteness of energy levels only when we consider systems with very high natural frequencies. All else being equal, natural frequencies increase with decreasing mass [Eq. (2.76)], and hence the consequences of discrete energies are not negligible at the atomic scale

With this preamble, consider absorption of electromagnetic energy by a single isolated oscillator from the classical and quantum-mechanical points of view. According to the classical analysis in Section 2.6, the rate at which power is absorbed by an oscillator from a time-harmonic electromagnetic wave of given amplitude depends on its frequency w. Absorption is sharply peaked in a narrow range of frequencies, called an absorption line (or band), centered on the natural frequency of the oscillator. The width of the line is a consequence of damping of the oscillator. Now consider the same process from a quantum-mechanical point of view. The incident monochromatic electromagnetic wave is considered to be a stream of photons, each with energy frw. Absorption of electromagnetic energy is a consequence of absorption of photons. If the oscillator absorbs a photon, the energy of the oscillator must increase. But this increase can be only one of a set of discrete values. Unless the energy of the photon is equal to the difference between two energy levels of the oscillator, it cannot absorb the photon. This accounts for the narrowness of absorption lines … see further the ink above